Neighborhood Boundaries

Neighborhood Boundaries identifies and names neighborhoods as they are experienced by local residents. In addition to a hierarchy of precisely validated names and boundaries, it provides data on the population, demographics, culture and other attributes that make a cohesive neighborhood.

Is Neighborhood Boundaries right for you?

Answer a few quick questions about your business and your intended use so we can help you determine if the data is a good fit for your use case.

Question 1

Are you looking to filter and analyze by a geography more granular than zip code or town?


  • Online search - Restrict your results to a specific neighborhood
  • Direct marketing - Create hyper-local campaigns
  • Social media - Refine searches to a more precise and socially relevant location
  • Home valuation - Real estate, financial, and insurance markets can identify comparable home or apartment values


  • Covers approximately 100,000 neighborhoods in over 925 metros and 83 countries worldwide
  • Includes a unique and persistent object ID as well as primary name, object type code, subtype code, centroid coordinate, and area fields
  • Defines macro-neighborhoods, neighborhoods, and sub neighborhoods
  • Names table provides alternative names and languages
  • Exception and function codes help identify unique and non-traditional neighborhood types


  • Neighborhoods are defined using multiple authoritative sources including local government, real estate, tourism, local media, and client feedback
  • Unambiguous boundaries enable more accurate search and analysis results and cleaner visualization
  • A robust hierarchy tailors data organization, providing macro-neighborhoods, neighborhoods, and sub-neighborhoods
  • Coverage concentrates around key metro areas
  • Quarterly updates show where change and coverage expansion has occurred
  • Change table details adds/deletes/changes from last release



Release schedule
Unit of sale
Region, Country, State

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